As Olbermann blasts Republicans in this condescending, patronizing rant, unwittingly victimizing "The Unemployed" as though they were a helpless, homogeneous crowd that can exist but at the mercy of the taxpayer, it never quite occurs to him who has to foot the bill, it seems. Or does it?
From Ayn Rand, "The Monument Builders," The Virtue of Selfishness (1964) 88:
Since there is no such entity as "the public," since the public is merely a number of individuals, any claimed or implied conflict of "the public interest" with private interests means that the interests of some men are to be sacrificed to the interests and wishes of others. Since the concept is so conveniently undefinable, its use rests only on any given gang's ability to proclaim that "The public, c'est moi"---and to maintain the claim at the point of a gun.
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